Dog - Man's Best friend

Dogs - Man's best friend.....

The following poem is for dogs out there who are homeless. They need our help and we need theirs. The least we can do is if we see a injured or sick dog we can hand them to the the shelter who can cure them. Let's do what we can do. Start doing it and people will join you. Spread the message!! 
Dogs are cute,
For us Humans they are mute,
Except for their Bark.
But Dogs have a a language of their own, 
A language of Love, a language a unknown.
Dogs are loyal creatures,
They have the noblest features.
Dogs help their owners in need,
They are true friends indeed.
They leap, woof, and play,
They keep you active throughout the day.
They always put you in good mood,
Never are they rude.
They keep you safe,
They protect you from any danger,
And they would stand up for you against any stranger.
So get a dog today, It's the right choice,
People might disagree, 
But raise your Voice.
Get One today, Get one today,
Then you will never lose way, 
And will always have a friend to play!


  1. SHRIYAAAAAAAAA you have described dogs so nicely. I have a dog and i know the feeling of having dog is 12 years old now. TOOOOO old. You don't even have one dog and you know the feeling of having one soooo nicely. dog's can't speak but their actions can tell you what are they trying to tell you. When my dog is hungry he goes to the kitchen......when he wants to spend time with me or anyone for that matter he goes and sit beside them or try to come under the legs. You are an awesome writer!!!!! Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!


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