Blue Heart


Blue Heart:


My Blue Heart,

Cries and weeps,

As it pours, downs sorrows of streams,

It inks down a too permanent blue,

The dark, glistening one,

As it gushes down.


Its drops are like tears,

Sometimes lightening,

But only in color, darkening in weight.

Glints off the light, coming from the world.


My eyes, shine, but from the darkly light,

And shed that single light blue tear,

It sits so majestically,

Holding all the regret and grief,

It contains all those pushed down secrets,

Shimmering, as if to warn,

It will break any second,

Into too many flints of stone,

Made hard by those muffled feelings.


My head tells me to think,

My heart tells me to feel,

My hands wait for a command,

As my heart takes time to heal.

Nothing works,

Because everything wants its own way.

Finally, I dejectedly,

Tell my heart one more time,

To shut up its thoughts,

And pent down those,

Waiting feelings, wanting to come out.



Then, My throbbing soul,

Leaks a flurry of snow,

As it rains down heaps of hate and anger,

It refuses to be shut up anymore.

I try and try, to stop,

My blue heart from escaping,

Alas, do I succeed or not?

How did I come to such a fate?

Through those blurred flakes of snow,

The answer comes,

Because I simply couldn’t let go.


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